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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The adventure of Formatting

I never knew how challenging it was going to be to format my novels for ebooks, especially since I had never written them with the intention of having them published that way. I am one week into the process and I am almost finished with my first book of my trilogy. I had heard other indie authors complain about the process but nothing really prepared me for the actual endeavor. I'm a pretty efficient editor and can run through a manuscript quite fast, however this is one of the most time consuming things I have done. All I know is that I will definitely be writing in the exposed format in the future and changing how I do things for future projects.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Latest MicroPoem

This ache inside of me
Throbs deeper than the sea
Bottomless-unable to repress
My  words cannot express
This pain that never mends
Undoes my soul-expends
-Jenna Brandt